For a full approval we do need specific vehicle details, however we can give you a good idea of approval options without that information.
We offer rates as low as 2.99% for qualified applicants.
We can offer terms from 24 months to 96 months for qualified applicants.
We offer loan amounts from $2,500 to $100,000.
Our pre-qualification and lender-approved offers are valid for 30 days.
Yes, most of our lending partners offer automatic payments.
To process an application for lender approval, AUTOPAY requires the following documentation:
– Driver’s License
– Insurance
– Proof of Income (paystubs, tax returns)
– Proof of Residence (i.e. utility bill, lease agreement)
– Payoff letter if refinancing
Note: You may be asked to provide additional documentation for lenders or during contracting.
Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) insurance covers the financial gap between the actual cash value of a vehicle and the payoff amount of the loan or lease in the event of a total loss.
AUTOPAY offers extensive options for vehicle service contracts options that cover maintenance and repairs, and provide roadside assistance in some cases.
AUTOPAY partners with a network of trusted credit unions and financing institutions across the country. Each lending partner has a different set of criteria for approvals, enabling AUTOPAY to provide financing solutions to all levels of the credit spectrum.
In order to have the lowest impact on your credit score, you should rate shop within a two-week period. Any inquiries for one type of financing done in a two-week period are reported by the credit bureaus as one, as opposed to multiple.
Depending on the co-applicant’s credit score, income, and credit history, you could potentially get a better rate than applying on your own.
During the application, we do a soft pull on your credit that will not negatively affect your credit score. Only when you choose an offer to submit for lender approval, does AUTOPAY run a hard pull against your credit which may affect your credit score.